Rabu, 31 Juli 2013


Arifin, Zaenal. 2009. Evaluasi Pembelajran: Prinsip-Teknik-Prosedur. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. Ariyana, L.T. . 2011. Analisis Butir Soal Ulangan Akhir Semester Gasal IPA Kelas IX SMP Di Kabupaten Grobogan. Skripsi. UNY. Tidak diterbitkan. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1993. Manajemen Penelitian. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta. Brune, M.C. . 2010. The Inquiry Learning Model As An Approach To Mathematics Instruction. Thesis. Boise State University. Tidak diterbitkan. Carol, C.K., Caspari, Ann, dan Leslie, Ianiores. 2007. A Guiden Inquiry. Westport: Libraries Unlimited. Clark, Don. 2000. Humanis Education. Tidak diterbitkan. Tersedia online di: http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/history/history.html. [10 september 2012 ] Dadang, M. 2011. Teori Belajar Humanisme Arthur W. Combs Meaning (1912-1999). Tidak diterbitkan. [Online]. Tersedia: http://makalahilmupendidikandanperpustakaan.blogspot.com/2011/07/teori-belajar-humanisme-arthur-w-combs.html [8 November 2012] Devi, K.P. . 2009. Pengembangan Soal “Higher Order Thinking Skill” Dalam Pembelajaran IPA SMP/MTS. Tidak diterbitkan. [Online]. Tersedia: http://www.p4tkipa.net/2010/12/12/data-jurnal-Hots-poppy.pdf+higher+order+thinking.html [28 Juli 2012] Djiwandono, S.E.W. . 2008. Psikologi Pendidikan (Revisi II). Jakarta: PT Grasindo. Ekawati, Estina dan Sumaryanta. 2011. Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Pembelajaran Matematika SD/SMP. Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan (PPPPTK) Matematika. Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional. Gulo, W. (2008). Starategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Grasindo Gunawan, Hendra. 2008. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) dalam Matematika SMP. Tidak diterbitkan. [Online]. Tersedia: http://sdocs.google.comviewera=v&q=cachepcE9PJto1gQHigher Order Thinking Skills Jjournal.ac.Id Harta, Idris. 2008. Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan Inovatif untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi. Makalah. Tidak diterbitkan Herawati, Ika. 2009. Penerapan Metode Inkuiri Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematik Siswa :Studi Eksperimen terhadap Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 31 Bandung. Skripsi. FMIPA. UPI. Tidak diterbitkan Herdian, 2010. Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri .Tidak diterbitkan. [Online]. Tersedia: http://herdy07.wordpress.com/2010/05/27/model-pembelajaran-inkuiri/ [10 september 2012] Jarrett, Denise. 1997. Inquiry Strategies for Science and Mathematics Learning It's Just Good Teaching Science and Mathematics Education. Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory Rapi, N.K. . 2004. Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terpimpin Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pada Siswa Kelas X Sma Negeri 2 Singaraja. Skripsi. FMIPA. UNS. Tidak diterbitkan. Kurniawan, Afif. 2010. All Futuristic All Our Life Teory belajar humanistik. Tidak diterbitkan. [Online]. 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Pengaruh Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Quantum Matematika Terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Logis Siswa SMP: Penelitian Eksperimen di Kelas VIII SMP N 15 Bandung. Skripsi. FMIPA. UPI. Tidak diterbitkan. Muslim, Azis. 2010. Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Microsoft Power Point Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematik (Penelitian Eksperimen Terhadap Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Palasah – Majalengka Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010). Proposal penelitian. STKIP YASIKA Majalengka. Tidak diterbitkan Nuharini, Dewi dan Wahyuni, Tri. 2008. Matematika 1: Konsep dan Aplikasinya: untuk Kelas VI SMP/MTs I. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Rian, Adi. 2008. Teori Pembelajaran Vygotsky. Tidak diterbitkan. [Online]. Tersedia: http://penembushayalan.wordpress.com/kuliah/tokoh-dan-teori-belajar/teori-pembelajaran-vygotsky/ [ 12 desember 2012] Sari, Y.R. . 2008. Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Metode Inkuiri Terbimbing Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Matematika Siswa. Skripsi. FMIPA. UPI. Tidak diterbitkan Setiawan, T., Sugianto dan Junaedi, I. 2012. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Pendekatan Problem Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Higher Order Thinking. UJRME 1 (1) (2012). Program Studi Matematika, Program Pascasarjana, UNS, Indonesia Sudrajat, Imam. 2010. Sejarah dan Hakekat Matematika. Tidak diterbitkan. [Online] Tersedia: http://matematikaisfun.blogspot.com/11/02/2005/makalah/tugas/sejarah-dan-hakekat-matematika.html [ 13 september 2012] Sukmadinata, N. S.. 2004. Kurikulum Dan Pembelajaran Kompetensi. Bandung: Yayasan Kesuma Karya Bandung Sutrisno, Joko. 2008. Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Inquiry dalam Belajar Sains terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa. Tidak diterbitkan. [Online]. Tersedia: http://www.erlangga.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=353:example-pages-and-menu-links&catid=36:pendidikan&Itemid=112 [12 september 2012] Tim Pengembangan Ilmu Pendidikan FIP UPI. 2007. Ilmu Dan Aplikasi Pendidikan Bagian 4. Bandung: IMTIMA Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2008. Panduan Pengembangan Indikator. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Direktorat Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas.


Taksonomi Bloom, ya istilah ini tentu sangat melekat di benak sanubari para pendidik di seluruh dunia tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Jelang peringatan Hari Pendidikan di Indonesia, berikut saya posting artikel tentang Taksonomi Bloom, yang kali ini sudah mengalami revisi. Taksonomi berasal dari bahasa Yunani "tassein" yang berarti untuk mengklasifikasi dan nomos yang berarti aturan. Taksonomi berarti klasifikasi berhirarkhi dari sesuatu atau prinsip yang mendasari klasifikasi. Semua hal yang bergerak, benda diam, tempat, dan kejadian-sampai pada kemampuan berpikir dapat diklasifikasikan menurut beberapa skema taksonomi (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom%27s_Taxonomy). Konsep Taksonomi Bloom dikembangkan pada tahun 1956 oleh Benjamin S. Bloom, seorang psikolog bidang pendidikan. B enjamin S. Bloom amat populer di kalangan pendidikan dengan taksonominya yang lazim disebut dengan taksonomi Bloom. Konsep ini mengklasifikasikan tujuan pendidikan dalam tiga ranah, yaitu kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik. Taksonomi Bloom itu merupakan penggolongan (klasifikasi) tujuan pendidikan (ada yang menyebutnya sebagai perilaku intelektual/”intellectual behavior”) yang dalam garis besar terbagi menjadi tiga ranah atau kawasan (“domain”), yaitu ranah kognitif (berkaitan dengan kognisi atau penalaran/pemikiran–dalam bahasa pendidikan Indonesia disebut “cipta”), ranah afektif (berkaitan dengan afeksi atau “rasa”), dan ranah psikomotor (berkaitan dengan psikomotor atau gerak jasmani-jiwani, gerak-gerik jasmani yang terkait dengan jiwa; mirip dengan “karya”–walau sebenarnya tidak sama persis). Ranah kognitif meliputi fungsi memproses informasi, pengetahuan dan keahlian mentalitas. Ranah afektif meliputi fungsi yang berkaitan dengan sikap dan perasaan. Sedangkan ranah psikomotorik berkaitan dengan fungsi manipulatif dan kemampuan fisik. Ranah kognitif menggolongkan dan mengurutkan keahlian berpikir yang menggambarkan tujuan yang diharapkan. Proses berpikir mengekspresikan tahap-tahap kemampuan yang harus siswa kuasai sehingga dapat menunjukkan kemampuan mengolah pikirannya sehingga mampu mengaplikasikan teori ke dalam perbuatan. Mengubah teori ke dalam keterampilan terbaiknya sehinggi dapat menghasilkan sesuatu yang baru sebagai produk inovasi pikirannya. Untuk lebih mudah memahami taksonomi bloom, maka dapat dideskripsikan dalam dua pernyataan di bawah ini: Memahami sebuah konsep berarti dapat mengingat informasi atau ilmu mengenai konsep itu. Seseorang tidak akan mampu mengaplikasikan ilmu dan konsep jika tanpa terlebih dahulu memahami isinya Konsep tersebut mengalami perbaikan seiring dengan perkembangan dan kemajuan jaman serta teknologi. Salah seorang murid Bloom yang bernama Lorin Anderson merevisi taksonomi Bloom pada tahun 1990. Hasil perbaikannya dipublikasikan pada tahun 2001 dengan nama Revisi Taksonomi Bloom. Dalam revisi ini ada perubahan kata kunci, pada kategori dari kata benda menjadi kata kerja. Masing-masing kategori masih diurutkan secara hirarkis, dari urutan terendah ke yang lebih tinggi. Pada ranah kognitif kemampuan berpikir analisis dan sintesis diintegrasikan menjadi analisis saja. Dari jumlah enam kategori pada konsep terdahulu tidak berubah jumlahnya karena Lorin memasukan kategori baru yaitu creating yang sebelumnya tidak ada. Dahulu kita mengenal klasifikasi secara hirarkhis terhadap ranah kognitif Bloom menjadi enam tingkatan, mulai dari C1 sampai C6. Klasifikasi hirarkhis itu masih digunakan lagi dalam revisi taksonomi Bloom tersebut sekalipun dengan nomen yang sedikit berbeda. Ada hal yang sama sekali baru dalam taksonomi Bloom yang baru ini. Sistem hirarkhis yang dulu digunakan dalam Bloom dari C1 sampai C6 merupakan salah satu dimensi dalam klasifikasi tersebut,yaitu dimensi proses kognitif. Perubahan terjadi pada aras (level) 1 yang semula sebagai “knowledge” (tahu, “ketahuan”–) berubah menjadi “remembering” (mengingat). Perubahan terjadi juga pada level 2, yaitu “comprehension” yang dipertegas menjadi “understanding” (paham, memahami). Level 3 diubah sebutan dari “application” menjadi “applying” (menerapkan). Level 4 juga diubah sebutan dari “analysis” menjadi “analysing” (menganalisis). Hanya saja dalam dimensi proses kognitif, pada taksonomi yang baru mengalami revisi seperti yang akan diuraikan berikut ini. Tingkatan Ranah Lama Baru/dimensi proses kognitif C1 Knowlwdge Remember C2 Understand Understand C3 Apply Apply C4 Analyze Analyze C5 Aynthesis Evaluate C6 Evaluate Create Tabel di atas menunjukkan secara singkat perbedaan C1 sampai dengan C6 secara singkat. Hal yang sama sekali baru adalah munculnya dimensi yang lain dalam taksonomi Bloom,yaitu dimensi pengetahuan kognitif. Dimensi pengetahuan kognitif dibedakan pula secara hirarkhis menjadi empat kategori yaitu: pengetahuan faktual,pengetahuan konseptual, pengetahuan prosedural,serta pengetahuan metakognitif. Berdasarkan dua dimensi tersebut ranah kognitif dapat dibuatkan tabel yang memadukan dua dimensi tersebut. Dan inilah bagian yang paling sulit dalam mengklasifikasikan ranah kognitif menurut Taksonomi Bloom yang telah direvisi ini. Gambar 1. Diagram Taksonomi Bloom Setiap kategori dalam Revisi Taksonomi Bloom terdiri dari subkategori yang memiliki kata kunci berupa kata yang berasosiasi dengan kategori tersebut. Kata-kata kunci itu seperti terurai di bawah ini Mengingat : mengurutkan, menjelaskan,mengidentifikasi, menamai, menempatkan, mengulangi, menemukan kembali dsb. Memahami : menafsirkan, meringkas, mengklasifikasikan, membandingkan, menjelaskan, mebeberkan dsb. Menerapkan : melaksanakan, menggunakan, menjalankan, melakukan, mempraktekan, memilih, menyusun, memulai, menyelesaikan, mendeteksi dsb Menganalisis : menguraikan, membandingkan, mengorganisir, menyusun ulang, mengubah struktur, mengkerangkakan, menyusun outline, mengintegrasikan, membedakan, menyamakan, membandingkan, mengintegrasikan dsb. Mengevaluasi : menyusun hipotesi, mengkritik, memprediksi, menilai, menguji, mebenarkan, menyalahkan, dsb. Berkreasi : merancang, membangun, merencanakan, memproduksi, menemukan, membaharui, menyempurnakan, memperkuat, memperindah, menggubah dsb. Dalam berbagai aspek dan setelah melalui revisi, taksonomi Bloom tetap menggambarkan suatu proses pembelajaran, cara kita memproses suatu informasi sehingga dapat dimanfaat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Beberapa prinsip didalamnya adalah : Sebelum kita memahami sebuah konsep maka kita harus mengingatnya terlebih dahulu Sebelum kita menerapkan maka kita harus memahaminya terlebih dahulu Sebelum kita mengevaluasi dampaknya maka kita harus mengukur atau menilai Sebelum kita berkreasi sesuatu maka kita harus mengingat, memahami, mengaplikasikan, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi, serta memperbaharui Perubahan mendasar terletak pada level 5 dan 6. “Evaluation” versi lama diubah posisisinya dari level 6 menjadi level 5, juga dengan perubahan sebutan dari “evaluation” menjadi “evaluating” (menilai). Level 5 lama, yaitu “synthesis” (pemaduan) hilang, tampaknya dinaikkan levelnya menjadi level 6 tetapi dengan perubahan mendasar, yaitu dengan nama “creating” (mencipta). Jadi taksonomi Bloom versi baru terdiri atas (dari level 1 sampai 6): remembering (mengingat), understanding (memahami), applying (menerapkan), analysing (menganalisis, mengurai), evaluating (menilai) dan creating (mencipta). Gambaran perubahannya tampak seperti dilukiskan “A Big Dog …” berikut. Penjabaran masing-masing level itu sebagai berikut. 1.0. Remember (retrieving relevant knowledge from long-term memory)–mengingat (memunculkan kembali apa yang sudah diketahui dan tersimpan dalam ingatan jangka-panjang); 1.1. Recognizing (mengenali lagi) 1.2. Recalling (menyebutkan kembali) 2.0. Understand (determining the meaning of instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic communication– paham, memahami (menegaskan pengertian atau makna bahan-bahan yang sudah diajarkan, mencakup komunikasi lisan, tertulis, maupun gambar) 2.1. Interpreting (menafsiri, mengartikan, menerjemahkan) 2.2. Exemplifying (memberi contoh) 2.3. Classifying (menggolong-golongkan, mengelompokkan) 2.4. Summarizing (merangkum, meringkas) 2.5. Inferring (melakukan inferensi) 2.6. Comparing (membandingkan) 2.7. Explaining (memberikan penjelasan) 3.0. Apply (carrying out or using a procedure in a given situation)–menerapkan (melakukan sesuatu, atau menggunakan sesuatu prosedur dalam situasi tertentu) 3.1. Executing (melaksanakan) 3.2. Implementing (menerapkan) 4.0. Analyze (breaking material into its constituent parts and detecting how the parts relate to one another and to an overall structure or purpose)–analisis (menguraikan sesuatu ke dalam bagian-bagian yang membentuknya, dan menetapkan bagaimana bagian-bagian atau unsur-unsur tersebut satu sama lain saling terkait, dan bagaimana kaitan unsur-unsur tersebut kepada keseluruhan struktur atau tujuan sesuatu itu) 4.1. Differentiating (membeda-bedakan) 4.2. Organizing (menata atau menyusun) 4.3. Attributing (meneteapkan sifat atau ciri) 5.0. Evaluate (making judgments based on criteria and standards–evaluasi atau menilai (menetapkan derajat sesuatu berdasarkan kriteria atau patokan tertentu) 5.1. Checking (mengecek) 5.2. Critiquing (mengkritisi) 6.0. Create (putting elements together to form a novel, coherent whole or make an original product)–mencipta (memadukan unsur-unsur menjadi sesuatu bentuk utuh yang koheren dan baru, atau membuat sesuatu yang orisinil) 6.1. Generating (memunculkan) 6.2. Planning (merencanakan, membuat rencana) 6.3. Producing (menghasilkan karya). Sumber: http://eko-kolombahasa.blogspot.com/2012/04/taksonomi-bloom-revisi.html Artikel dapat juga dibaca di : http://kolompenaimajiner.wordpress.com/

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Operating System Windows anda mengalami kerusakan karena virus, atau system korup, kadang menyebabkan Komputer dan Laptop kita menjadi tidak bisa digunakan. Apabila kita orang awam, dan belum bisa cara memperbaikinya, biasanya akan segera membawa ke tukang service komputer ( bakalan mbayar Dech.. :) ). Pada kesempatan ini saya akan memberikan tutorial secara lengkap cara Install Windows XP SP3 Lengkap untuk Pemula atau bagi orang yang belum pernah melakukan Install Windows XP pada komputer atau laptop.

Install Windows XP
Jangan Khawatir, Cara ini sangat efektif untuk anda, karena saya akan memandu dengan gambar dalam melakukan instalasi windows XP pada Komputer anda. Apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk Install Windows XP ?. Beberapa alat yang di perlukan dalam menginstall windows XP adalah :

CD Windows XP ( SP1 / SP2 / SP3 )

Perlu di perhatikan " Apabila anda akan melakukan Install Ulang Windows XP atau Operting System Windows anda, sebaiknya simpan data Flash Disk, atau media lain Selain Drive C:/ (misal drive D:/ E:/ dll) untuk menghindari Penghapusan data." Biasakan untuk menjadikan My Documents atau data tidak berada di Drive C:/ atau pada Drive yang terdapat Operating system. Tujuanya adalah menghindari data terhapus pada saat melakukan Installasi Ulang.

Oke kita mulai saja install Windows XPnya. Masukkan CD master Windows XP terlebih dahulu ke CDROM/DVDROM anda. Lalu nyalakan / restart komputer anda, kemudian pada saat tampil gambar awal komputer start (seperti gambar 1),tekan tombol "Delete" pada keybord agar anda dapat masuk setting BIOS (Basic Input Output System) komputer. Pada beberapa jenis Motherboard harus menekan "tombol F2" pada keyboard. Anda bisa melihatnya pada perintah "Press DEL to run Setup" atau "Press F2 to run Setup".

Pilih item Boot Device Priority seperti pada gambar dibawah ini. Jika anda menggunakan jenis motherboar lain cari saja di bagian "Advanced Bios Features" cari di bagian Setting Boot. Setting ini untuk membuat CDROOM / DVDROOM sebagai boot pertama kali.

Setelah itu anda rubah [CDROM] pada posisi "1st Boot Device" untuk boot melalui CDROM dengan menggunakan tombol +- atau sesuai dengan perintah di setting (biasanya di laptop F5 dan F6)di keyboard. Selanjutnya tekan F10 atau "Exit and Save" pada menu untuk menyimpan konfigurasi.

Langkah selanjutnya adalah Restart komputer, tunggu hingga muncul tulisan "Pres any key to boot from CD..." lalu tekan sembarang tombol dengan cepat. Selanjutnya akan muncul layar biru dengan menu pilihan instalasi, tekan tombol Enter untuk melanjutkan proses install atau tombol R untuk melakukan reparasi Windows di Recovery Consule (ini untuk pilihan Repair windows) atau F3 untuk keluar / mengakhiri proses install.

Lanjut pada Lisencing Agreement "tekan tombol F8" untuk lanjut dan "tombol ESC" untuk batalkan proses install.

Selanjutnya anda akan masuk ke Area Partisi, disini anda bisa menyeting partisi untuk keperluan Installasi windows XP. Apabila di komputer anda telah terdapat sebuah sistem windows (biasanya di C:) maka akan ada partisi di menu ini dan anda bisa Menghapus partisi dengan menekan "huruf D" >> "huruf L" (biasanya hanya untuk Partisi yang bersistem atau Drive C: untuk partisi lain hanya huruf D). Untuk membuat partisi menggunakan "Tombol C" jika hardisk belum di partisi.

Untuk membuat partisi anda hanya menekan huruf C dan mengisikan berapa kapasitas dari hardisk dan Tekan Enter :

Tekan enter untuk melanjutkan penginstallan setelah partisi terbuat.

Selanjutnya Format partisi yang telah kita buat dengan memilih menu format. Gunakan pemformatan dengan system NTFS dan mode quick.

Tekan enter untuk melanjutkan. Selanjutnya windowws akan mengcopy secara automatis file system yang digunakan untuk installasi dan di akhiri dengan Restart recara automatis. Biarkan saja windows jalan dengan sendirinya dan apabila benar maka komputer akn tampilan berikut ini :

Selanjutnya tunggu hingga windows meminta Setting Regional (NEXT saja), Nama (Isikan dengan benar nama dan Perusahaan atau nama saja dan kosongkan perusahaan lalu NEXT), dan Serial Code Windows XP (Isikan 25 serial code kedalam form yang telah disediakan dan tekan NEXT) .

Setelah itu lanjutan ke proses berikutnya. Isikan Login akses untuk masuk ke Windows dengan menulis Nama dan Password. Jika password di kosongkan maka untuk masuk tanpa menggunakan password. NEXT untuk melanjutkan.

Proses selanjutnya adalah menyeting waktu. Cari Local time GMT +07 untuk area indonesia. Lanjutkan dengan Next.

Proses selanjutnya adalah menyeting jaringan atau (Networking Setting). secara default dengan menggunakan typical setting maka IP Address dalam keadaan belum terisi. Pilih saja "Next" untuk melanjutkan (pilih Typical Setting).

Apabila anda terhubung dengan jaringan dalam Setting Network anda bsia mengisi Nama jaringan yang ada. tetepai jika jaringan masih menggunakan Nama Default (WORKGROUP) maka isi dengan nama "WORKGROUP" dan lanjutkan dengan NEXT.

Setelah bagian menyalin dan mengkonfigurasi Networking selesai, Anda akan diminta untuk memastikan konfigurasi setting pada layar monitor telah benar jika anda ingin menyesuaikan tinggal menekan tombol OK.

Minimum resolusi adalah 800×600. Selesai Setup dan melakukan boot Windows.

Sebuah layar Selamat datang akan tampil pertama yang akan Anda lihat. Komputer memeriksa konektivitas internet Anda. Pilih Saja NEXT >> SKIP>> NEXT

Untuk menu Register with Microsoft apabila anda sudah memiliki koneksi untuk berinternet dan memiliki lisensi silahkan pilih yes. Jika Tidak pilih NO dan NEXT.

Windows XP akan meminta Anda untuk memasukkan default username, yang bsia digunakan di komputer. Tetapi Anda cukup membuat 1 saja untuk menyelesaikan instalasi. User Administrator tidak ditampilkan sebagai pilihan logon yang valid.

Selanjutnya Pilih FINIS ! untuk mengakhiri instalasi Windows XP.

Pada akhir Install Windows XP Akan menampilkan Halaman Desktop, dan anda siap untuk menginstall Program lain yang anda inginkan

Semoga tutorial ini membantu, apabila masih ada yang belum jelas, silahkan berikan pertanyanan, masukan di form Comment dibawah artikel "Install Windows XP SP3 Lengkap untuk Pemula". Tunggu Tutorial saya selanjutnya berkenaan dengan Install Software Program di Windows, dan tutorial Lain yang berhubungan dengan Internet dan Teknologi. Salam.

MY music

Asian Kung-Fu Generation From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Asian Kung-Fu Generation Asian Kung-Fu Generation-live-countdownjapan2011.jpg Performing live, 2011. Background information Also known as Ajikan, AKG, AKFG Origin Yokohama, Japan Genres Indie rock, alternative rock, pop punk Years active 1996–present Labels Ki/oon, Tofu, Okami Website www.asiankung-fu.com Members Masafumi Gotō Kensuke Kita Takahiro Yamada Kiyoshi Ijichi Asian Kung-Fu Generation (アジアン・カンフー・ジェネレーション Ajian Kanfū Jenerēshon?), typeset as ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION, is a Japanese alternative rock band formed in Yokohama, Japan in 1996. For nearly its entire career, the band has consisted of vocalist Masafumi Gotō, guitarist Kensuke Kita, bassist Takahiro Yamada, and drummer Kiyoshi Ijichi.[1] The band's musical style is influenced by seminal Western punk and alternative rock acts in conjunction with their own local Japanese indie rock background. As a result, their songs maintain a balance of various aspects of the genres, most typically expressing fast-paced tempos and prominent, hard-edged guitar riffs as well as rhythmic flow and emotional lyrics. Despite the indie nature of their music, the band has enjoyed worldwide commercial success in addition to critical acclaim.[2] Contents 1 History 1.1 Formation and indie releases (1996–2002) 1.2 Hōkai Amplifier and Kimi Tsunagi Five M (2002–2004) 1.3 Sol-fa (2004–2005) 1.4 Fanclub (2005–2006) 1.5 Feedback File (2006–2007) 1.6 Withdrawal and World World World (2007–2008) 1.7 Surf Bungaku Kamakura (2008–2009) 1.8 Magic Disk and Best Hit AKG (2009–2012) 1.9 Landmark (2012 - present) 2 Band members 3 Discography 4 Awards 5 References 6 External links History Formation and indie releases (1996–2002) Asian Kung–Fu Generation was first formed in 1996 when Masafumi Gotō, Kensuke Kita, and Takahiro Yamada met in while attending a music club at Kanto Gakuin University, a private university located in Yokohama, Japan. After realizing that they all shared similar musical tastes, the three decided to start their very own band. Masafumi Gotō became the lead vocalist and played rhythm guitar, Kensuke Kita played lead guitar and sang backup and Takahiro Yamada played bass. Drummer Kiyoshi Ijichi joined them later on after parting with another college band he was in. The four then began providing performances at their university as well as throughout the local Yokohama area. After graduating from college, following years of playing in several small venues and having collaborated with fellow Japanese rock musician Caramelman, AKG released their first indie EP in 2000. The six-track EP contained original lyrics written and sung almost entirely in English. The four spent the remainder of the year playing in clubs and hosting independent events. The year after, the band made an attempt to attain airplay on indie radio stations for their first Japanese single, "Konayuki" (粉雪?). The song was eventually picked up by a popular radio DJ and put into heavy rotation on the station FM Yokohama upon the demand of listeners. AKG then released another indie EP, I'm Standing Here. This time, however, the band wrote songs in Japanese. At this time, the band had begun drawing an increasingly large number of audiences to their shows held in clubs in the districts of Shibuya, Shimokitazawa, Kichijōji, and Tokyo.[1] Hōkai Amplifier and Kimi Tsunagi Five M (2002–2004) On November 25, 2002, after contributing to the Under Flowers Records compilation, Whatch You Gonna Do?, Asian Kung–Fu Generation officially released their first major-label mini-album, Hōkai Amplifier (崩壊アンプリファー?).[3] The group enlisted internet radio host and graphic artist Yusuke Nakamura to design and compose their single and album covers.[4] The critically acclaimed EP topped the High Line Records' weekly chart for two consecutive weeks and peaked at number thirty-five on the Oricon indies sales chart.[5] As a result of its success, Hōkai Amplifier was re-released on April 23, 2003 by the band's new record label, Ki/oon Records, a subsidiary of Sony Music Japan. A month later, AKG held their first headline show at Shimokitazawa Club Shelter. That same summer, the band performed at the annual rock festivals of Fuji Rock Festival 03's "ROOKIE A GO GO" and Summer Sonic '03 in Tokyo and Osaka. On August 6, the band released their major-label debut single, "Mirai no Kakera" (未来の破片?), with their second single, "Kimi to Iu Hana" (君という花?), following shortly after. Days later, AKG held the first of what would come to be many annual concert festivals, ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION presents NANO-MUGEN FES. The festival took place on August 11 at the Shinjuku LOFT.[6] The band followed it up by releasing their first full-length studio album, Kimi Tsunagi Five M (君繋ファイブエム?) on November 19.[1] The LP sold over 250,000 copies and landed in the number five spot on the Oricon charts in its first week. As their fame and following grew, fans began calling the band simply Ajikan (アジカン?), which is an abridgment of their full name. Sol-fa (2004–2005) As they entered 2004, AKG received the award for Best New Artist while their video for "Kimi to Iu Hana" won the award for Best Music Video at the SPACE SHOWER Music Video Awards.[7] From January 19 to February 25, AKG held their first headlining tour: Five Nano Seconds. The tour consisted of thirteen shows. On July 1, the band held their third ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION presents Nano-Mugen Festival at the Tokyo arena Nippon Budokan.[6] Over the course of the following summer, the band played in more than ten summer rock festivals, including Meet The World Beat, Rock In Japan Fes 04, and Fuji Rock Festival 04. Over the course of the year, the band released four more singles: "Siren" (サイレン?), "Loop & Loop" (ループ&ループ?), "Rewrite" (リライト?) and "Kimi no Machi Made" (君の街まで?), before finally releasing their second full-length album, Sol-fa (ソルファ?) on October 20.[1] The album debuted at number-one on the Oricon charts where it stayed for two consecutive weeks and eventually went on to sell more than 600,000 copies. The album received critical praised for its honed sound and high production quality, which thoroughly nullified the language barrier that frequently impeded non–Japanese-speaking audiences.[8] This notion became evident following the domestic release of Sol-fa, when AKG fans from around the world organized themselves and petitioned for copies of the second album to be distributed outside of Japan. The support for Ajikan eventually resulted in Tofu Records striking a contract to release Sol-fa in the United States on October 18, 2005.[8] Additionally, the song "Rewrite" found immense fame both domestically as well as on an international level when it was chosen as the fourth opening theme for the anime series Fullmetal Alchemist.[9] Around the same time, their song "Haruka Kanata" enjoyed similar recognition after being used for the second opening of the anime series Naruto.[10] Asian Kung–Fu Generation spent the next two months on a national tour consisting of twelve shows called "Tour SUI CUP 2004 -No! Member, November." The tour included a prestigious headliner at Nippon Budokan arena. The four then released a year-end video DVD, Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 1 on November 26. The DVD is compilation of the music videos for all singles from "Haruka Kanata" to "Kimi no Machi Made," including a never before seen clip of "Siren." The video contains audio commentary for each song, a making-of featurette, and live footage derived from their concerts.[1] Fanclub (2005–2006) Due in part to their growing recognition, Asian Kung–Fu Generation would dedicate a significant amount of time the next couple of years going on extensive national tours. Between March 14 and June 26 of 2005, AKG went on an extensive sold-out Re:Re Tour, performing at forty-eight concerts in thirty-eight cities throughout Japan. At the same time, the band released their second DVD, Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 2: Live at Budokan +. The two-disc video was the band's very first live DVD, as the first disc contains live footage of the entirety of the final show of their "Tour Suihai 2004 - No!Member, November-," at Budokan, where they performed before an audience of over 10,000 people on December 5, 2004. Meanwhile, second disc contains clips from their first concert at the Shimokitazawa Shelter Club on November 2, 2004. It also includes behind-the-scenes documentary directed by Toshiaki Toyoda and filmed at Kanto Gakuin University, as well as outtakes from the music video for "Kimi to Iu Hana." Upon its release, the video managed to top the Oricon DVD charts for an entire month. On July 9, AKG held their fifth Nano-Mugen Festival at Yokohama Arena, where they performed with seven other Japanese and UK bands.[6] To advertise the event, they released a preceding compilation album that retained one song from each band attending the festival. Over the next summer, AKG attended a host of festivals, including Summer Sonic 05, Rising Sun Rock Fes. 2005, and Rock in Japan Fes. 05.[11][12][13] They also appeared as guests on GOGOICHI –SPACE SHOWER CHART SHOW– on November 27 on SPACE SHOWER TV. The band closed the year by releasing the single, "Blue Train" (ブルートレイン?), followed up by a brief tour entitled, "Tour SUI CUP 2005 - Winter Dragon" in December. The band began 2006 with the release of their upcoming albums' second single, "World Apart." The single was unique in that it featured a song in which Kensuke Kita stood as lead singer. It was also AKG's first song to achieve number-one single status. It was also the year that the band was finally able to acquire their very own studio. They then took part in live performances in LIVE SUPERNOVA DX on February 16, 2006.[14] On March 15, AKG released their third full-length album, Fanclub (ファンクラブ?). The album peaked at number three and stayed in the Oricon top five for nearly two months. The following month, the band went on a national tour entitled, Count 4 My 8 Beat. Tickets for all thirty-eight shows quickly sold out. AKG's sixth annual Nano-Mugen Fes. was held at Yokohama Arena.[6] For two days, Asian Kung–Fu Generation and eleven other bands, including six Japanese bands, three American bands and two English bands, performed. Like the previous year, a compilation album was released in July to advertise the Nano-Mugen Festival. After three years of attending the Fuji Rock Fes, AKG had the opportunity to perform on its coveted primary Green Stage for the first time at Fuji Rock Festival 06.[1][15][16] Feedback File (2006–2007) To commemorate their ten-year anniversary, Asian Kung–Fu Generation released their first compilation album, Feedback File on October 25. Rather than featuring hit singles, the nostalgic album was primarily compiled of B-sides, live performances, and old demos from their early indie days. Even though it retained little new material, the compilation was met by commercial success and managed to debut at number two on the Oricon charts. AKG then went on a two-month arena tour entitled, Tour Sui Cup 2006-2007: The Start of a New Season. Well over 100,000 fans attended this tour, which traveled through eight cities and featured guest performances by bands from Japan and the United States.[1] In the midst of the tour, AKG was commissioned by the director of the then-upcoming anime film, Tekkon Kinkreet, to compose a theme song for the movie. The band created a song called, "Aru Machi no Gunjō" (或る街の群青?) and released it as a year-end single prior to the film's debut.[17] As a sign of their increasing cultural prominence, the band came to be parodied in a volume of the popular Hellsing manga by members of the Vatican named, "The Vactikung." Withdrawal and World World World (2007–2008) On March 21, the band released another live DVD, entitle, Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 3: Tour Sui Cup 2006-2007 The Start of a New Season that contained footage of their previous tour. Although they took part in various domestic summer festivals, AKG gradually became more and more withdrawn over the course of 2007 before ending appearances almost entirely. It was also the year that the band withheld their annual Nano-Mugen Festival.[1] However, they closed the year with the November release of their next albums' second single, "After Dark." The song debuted in the top ten on the Oricon charts and was used as the seventh opening for the anime series Bleach.[18] Additionally, on December 22, AKG held a live concert in Seoul entitled, ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION Tour SUI-CUP 2007 ~Project Beef~ Live In Korea. It was the band's first concert in Korea since their performance five months earlier at Incheon Pentaport Rock Festival, which had received enthusiastic applause from the foreign audience and led to the band being invited to play again.[19] While they performed at the Japanese New Year countdown, AKG continued to remain withdrawn and spent the next few months working on their fourth album.[20] On February 2008, AKG released the album's final single, Korogaru Iwa, Kimi ni Asa ga Furu (転がる岩、君に朝が降る?), before quickly following it up with the album, World World World. Despite the lack of media appearances and the significant time-span between their releases, the album topped the debuted Oricon charts on its first week before eventually relapsing the weeks after.[21] Just a few months after the album release, Asian Kung–Fu Generation released their second major-label EP, Mada Minu Ashita ni, on June 11, 2008. The mini-album features songs conceived around the time of the recording of their preceding full-length album.[22] Although the EP didn't give way to any singles, the song "Mustang" managed to peak at number fifteen on the Japan Hot 100.[23] The song was the band's very first entry on the newly established chart. Surf Bungaku Kamakura (2008–2009) The band appeared as a supporting act for a show held at Yokohama Bay Hall by American alternative rock band Third Eye Blind on July 18.[24] Incidentally, Third Eye Blind later appeared for the fourth and final lineup of AKG's seventh annual Nano-Mugen Festival held at the Yokohama Arena through July 20-21st.[25] The group was but one of a total of sixteen musical acts, originating from Japan, America, and the UK, who performed at the festival alongside Asian Kung–Fu Generation, who later released their third Nano-Mugen disc, Nano-Mugen Compilation 2008.[26] Peaking at number eighteen on the Oricon charts and retaining one song from each of the sixteen groups, the compilation expressed the largest track number within the Nano-Mugen series as of yet. Additionally, the song "Natsusemi" (夏蝉 Summer Cicada?), composed by AKG just for the compilation, managed to peak at number thirty-six on the Japan Hot 100 despite not being released as a single.[27] In September, Asian Kung–Fu Generation had the opportunity to play side-by-side with Weezer, a California-based alternative rock band that had played a major influence on their music. The WEEZER FESTIVAL was Weezer's first tour to Japan in three years and in promotion of their The Red Album, they performed on September 13 at Intex Osaka and on the 15 at the The National Yoyogi First Gymnasium in Tokyo. Asian Kung–Fu Generation, along with fellow Japanese rock band Going Under Ground, performed on both the Osaka and Tokyo stage.[28] They later released their twelfth single Fujisawa Loser in October followed by their fifth studio album Surf Bungaku Kamakura. Magic Disk and Best Hit AKG (2009–2012) After a busy 2008, the band spent time touring and writing new material. In March 2009, they released their fifth DVD, Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 5, featuring a collection of live videos from various live events in 2008. In July 2009, Asian Kung–Fu Generation held their annual Nano-Mugen festival. This was accompanied by Nano-Mugen Compilation 2009, which featured a new track, "Yoru no Call" (夜のコール Call of the Night?), and tracks from each of the other 16 bands that partook in the festival. At the conclusion of the festival, Gotō announced the group had started writing and producing a new album. Immediately following Nano-Mugen, the group kicked off their 2009 festival summer season with performances at Korea's "Jisan Valley Rock Festival", "Rock in Japan Festival 2009", and "Sweet Love Shower Festival 2009". In October, their sixth DVD, Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 6, was released and was also the band's first release on Blu-ray. It featured a concert from their March 2009 hall tour "World World World", which featured a more experimental set design and set list, as well as the use of instruments such as tenori-on and a strings section. The second half of the set included the whole of their 2008 album Surf Bungaku Kamakura from start to finish. The band released their 13th single, "Shinseiki no Love Song" (新世紀のラブソング Love Song of the New Century?), on December 2, 2009, which featured a DVD of songs from the group's appearance at Jisan Valley Rock Festival earlier in the year. At the same time, the band announced that at the end of March 2010, they would be releasing a new single titled "Solanin", which was to be used as the theme song to the film of the same name. The single featured a remix of "Mustang" from Mada Minu Ashita ni, which was a studio mix of the version played on Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 6. The track was also used as the ending theme to the movie. In January 2010, Gotō posted an entry into his diary stating that they had recorded a Japanese version of The Rentals song "A Rose Is a Rose".[29] In February 2010, the band spent 2 weeks in New York, in which they recorded 2 songs.[30] In the same month it was announced that the band would provide the opening theme for the anime The Tatami Galaxy, which features character design from Yusuke Nakamura, the same artist who illustrates the Ajikan CD covers.[31] The song was titled "Maigoinu to Ame no Beat" (迷子犬と雨のビート A Stray Puppy and the Beat of the Rain?).[32] A single release is to follow. In April 2010, Gotō posted an entry into his diary stating that the band's 6th full length album would be released in June 2010 with the title "Magic Disk" (マジックディスク Majikkudisuku?). In March 2011, the 2011 Japan natural disaster caused the band to cancel the rest of their "2010-2011 Vibration of Music Tour", due to some touring equipment being damaged. Within the next week after the disaster, Masafumi Gotō published lyrics on his diary, inspired by the disaster, called "Suna no Ue" (砂の上 On the Sand?).[33] The song was later recorded, and was played on live radio airplay around Japan. In the next month, Gotō later announced in his diary that they are in the studio, recording new songs.[34] Two new AKG songs were released on the Nano-Mugen Compilation 2011, titled "Hikari" and "All right Part 2".[35] In July 2011, Asian Kung-Fu Generation played live at "Jisan Valley Rock Festival" an annual 3 day music festival held every July at Jisan Valley Ski Resort, in Icheon, South Korea.[36] In November 2011, the band announced that they would release a new single and a best of album. The single, titled "Marching Band", was released on November 30 and the best of album, Best Hit AKG, was released on January 2012[37] Gotō announced via Twitter that the best of album does not represent the end of the band, and that they still plan on releasing an original album in summer, 2012. Landmark (2012 - present) On April 11, 2012, AKG released the single, titled "Kakato de Ai o Uchinarase" (踵で愛を打ち鳴らせ Ring Out Love with Your Heel?). It was composed by the band's lead guitarist, Kita. On June 2012, a promotional video was released for a song titled "Yoru o Koete" (夜を越えて Beyond the Night?), in promotion of the Nano-Mugen Festival 2012. It is featured on the Nano-Mugen Compilation 2012, released on June 27, 2012.[38] A few days before the 2012 Nano-Mugen Festival, it was announced that a new single, titled "Sore dewa, Mata Ashita" (それでは、また明日 Well Then, See You Again Tomorrow?), will be released on July 25, 2012. [39] It is also the theme song for Naruto the Movie: Road to Ninja, which was released on July 28. After the 2012 Nano-Mugen Festival, it was also announced on the band's website that a new album would be released on September 12, 2012, titled Landmark, and that a tour would follow in the following month of October in support of the album. [40] A new single, titled "Ima wo Ikite" (今を生きて Live Now?), is set for release on February 20, 2013, and it will be featured in a movie, titled Yokomichi Yonosuke (横道世之介?). [41] Band members Masafumi Gotō (後藤 正文 Gotō Masafumi?) – lead vocals, rhythm guitar Kensuke Kita (喜多 建介 Kita Kensuke?) – lead guitar, backing vocals Takahiro Yamada (山田 貴洋 Yamada Takahiro?) – bass, backing vocals Kiyoshi Ijichi (伊地知 潔 Ijichi Kiyoshi?) – drums, percussion Discography Main article: Asian Kung-Fu Generation discography Kimi Tsunagi Five M (2003) Sol-fa (2004) Fanclub (2006) World World World (2008) Surf Bungaku Kamakura (2008) Magic Disk (2010) Landmark (2012) Awards Year Ceremony Nominated work Award Result 2004 SPACE SHOWER Music Video Awards 04 "Kimi to Iu Hana" Best New Artist[7] Won 2005 SPACE SHOWER Music Video Awards 05 "Kimi no Machi Made" Best Concept Video[42] Won MTV Video Music Awards Japan 2005 Best Rock Video Nominated Best Group Video Nominated 2006 MTV Video Music Awards Japan 2006 "World Apart" Best Rock Video[43] Nominated SPACE SHOWER Music Video Awards 06 "Blue Train" Best Group Video[44] Won 2007 MTV Video Music Awards Japan 2007 "Aru Machi no Gunjō" Best Rock Video[45] Nominated American Anime Awards "Rewrite" Best Anime Theme Song[46] Won 2008 SPACE SHOWER Music Video Awards 08 "After Dark" Best Rock Video[47] Won 2009 SPACE SHOWER Music Video Awards 09 "Fujisawa Loser" Conceptual Video[48] Nominated 2010 SPACE SHOWER Music Video Awards 10 "Shinseiki no Love Song" Best Rock Video[49] Nominated 2011 MTV Video Music Aid Japan 2011 "Solanin" Best Video from a Film Nominated References ^ a b c d e f g h "ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION: Biography". 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Retrieved 2008-11-07.[dead link] ^ "SPACE SHOWER Music Video Awards 10: Rock Video". MVA10. SPACE SHOWER NETWORKS INC. 2010. Retrieved 2010-02-11.[dead link] External links Asian Kung-Fu Generation official website (English) Asian Kung-Fu Generation official website (Japanese) Nano-Mugen official website Asian Kung-Fu Generation Interview with Newsmaker Magazine Asian Kung-Fu Generation at Allmusic Gotō's Official Facebook [hide] v t e Asian Kung-Fu Generation Masafumi Gotoh Takahiro Yamada Kensuke Kita Kiyoshi Ijichi Studio albums Kimi Tsunagi Five M Sol-fa Fanclub World World World Surf Bungaku Kamakura Magic Disk Landmark EPs Caramelman and Asian Kung-Fu Generation The Time Past and I Could Not See You Again I'm Standing Here Hōkai Amplifier Mada Minu Ashita ni Singles "Mirai no Kakera" "Kimi to Iu Hana" "Siren" "Loop & Loop" "Rewrite" "Kimi no Machi Made" "Blue Train" "World Apart" "Aru Machi no Gunjō" "After Dark" "Korogaru Iwa, Kimi ni Asa ga Furu" "Fujisawa Loser" "Shinseiki no Love Song" "Solanin" "Maigoinu to Ame no Beat" "Marching Band" "Kakato de Ai o Uchinarase" "Sore dewa, Mata Ashita" "Ima wo Ikite" Compilations Feedback File Best Hit AKG Videos Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 1 Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 2 Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 3 Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 4 Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 5 Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 6 Eizō Sakuhinshū Vol. 7 Related articles Discography Nano-Mugen Compilation Nano-Mugen Compilation 2006 Nano-Mugen Compilation 2008 Nano-Mugen Compilation 2009 Nano-Mugen Compilation 2011 Nano-Mugen Compilation 2012